Death Game Manga No Kuromaku Satsujinki No Imouto Ni Tensei Shite Shippai Shita Art Prints (2025)

1. i reincarnated as the little sister of a death game manga's murder ...

  • #Death Game Manga no Kuromaku Satsujinki no Imouto ni Tensei shite Shippai shita ... art#artwork#illustration#drawings#character design#manga#mangacap ...

  • See a recent post on Tumblr from @deredereyandere about i reincarnated as the little sister of a death game manga's murder mastermind and failed. Discover more posts about i reincarnated as the little sister of a death game manga's murder mastermind and failed.

2. I Reincarnated as the Little Sister of a Death Game Manga's Murder ...

  • Death Game Manga no Kuromaku Satsujinki no Imouto ni Tensei shite Shippai shita. #I Reincarnated as the Little Sister of a Death Game Manga's Murder ...

  • Posts tagged with #I Reincarnated as the Little Sister of a Death Game Manga's Murder Mastermind and Failed

3. Death Game Manga no Kuromaku Satsujinki no Imouto ni Tensei shite ...

4. Death Game Manga no Kuromaku Satsujinki no Imouto ni Tensei shite ...

  • Bevat niet: prints | Resultaten tonen met:prints

  • Makoto Kurobe has always found his stepsister, Mai, quite boring. Rather, nothing in life really interests him—save for the glee that comes from taking the lives of animals. However, over the years, he has longed to up the ante and try out a new type of victim. Therefore, it comes as no surprise when he kills Mai and uses her body to kick off a class-wide death game. Standing amidst the school's halls, dyed red under the moonlight, the mastermind behind it all is Makoto—that is how the story of a manga from Mai's previous life went. When a reader of this story is reincarnated as Mai, she resolves to rescue her brother from his own plan. Aware of Makoto's psychopathic tendencies, Mai does whatever she can to spark in him an interest in life, but a person's nature is not so easily changed. As Mai carries out her plan, Makoto's twisted mind—which has always been obsessed with death—turns its attention to a new target. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

5. Death Game Manga No Kuromaku Satsujin Oni No Imoto Ni Tensei ...

  • Death Game Manga No Kuromaku Satsujin Oni No Imoto Ni Tensei Shite Shippai Shita 4 (Sylph Comics) ; Points You Earn, 1% (6p) ; Release Date, late August 2023.

  • Pepu / Manga Ine Ida So / Original Writer,Death Game Manga No Kuromaku Satsujin Oni No Imoto Ni Tensei Shite Shippai Shita 4,BOOK listed at CDJapan! Get it delivered safely by SAL, EMS, FedEx and save with CDJapan Rewards!

6. Death Game Manga no Kuromaku Satsujinki no Imouto ni Tensei shite ...

  • Bevat niet: art prints

  • Makoto Kurobe has always found his stepsister, Mai, quite boring. Rather, nothing in life really interests him—save for the glee that comes from taking the lives of animals. However, over the years, he has longed to up the ante and try out a new type of victim. Therefore, it comes as no surprise when he kills Mai and uses her body to kick off a class-wide death game. Standing amidst the school's halls, dyed red under the moonlight, the mastermind behind it all is Makoto—that is how the story of a manga from Mai's previous life went. When a reader of this story is reincarnated as Mai, she resolves to rescue her brother from his own plan. Aware of Makoto's psychopathic tendencies, Mai does whatever she can to spark in him an interest in life, but a person's nature is not so easily changed. As Mai carries out her plan, Makoto's twisted mind—which has always been obsessed with death—turns its attention to a new target. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

7. I Reincarnated as the Little Sister of a Death Game Manga's Murder ...

  • 20 aug 2021 · / Death Game Manga no Kuromaku Satsujinki no Imouto ni Tensei shite Shippai shita. Inaida Sou / Pepu(Art). 15.6K 182 3.2K 22.5K/mo. I ...

  • One day, Mai remembers that her perfect stepbrother is a character in a death game manga, and that one year later he will hold a death game involving all of his classmates, killing his sister in the process. Mai plans a variety of surprises for her stepbrother every day based on what he said in the manga, "Nothing unexpected happened, so I was bored," but as the days go by, he begins to show abnormal signs... Only I know what my brother's really like. Pepu's comicalization of Inada Sou's popular web novel!

8. I Reincarnated as the Little Sister of a Death Game Manga's Murder ...

  • ... Death Game Manga no Kuromaku Satsujinki no Imouto ni Tensei shite Shippai shita ... NGL, the art is not my cup of tea, but the story is sooooo interesting ...

  • One day, Mai remembers that her perfect stepbrother is a character in a death game manga, and that one year later he will hold a death game involving all of his classmates, killing his sister in the process. Mai plans a variety of surprises for her stepbrother every day based on what he said in the manga, "Nothing unexpected happened, so I was bored," but as the days go by, he begins to show abnormal signs... Only I know what my brother's really like.

Death Game Manga No Kuromaku Satsujinki No Imouto Ni Tensei Shite Shippai Shita Art Prints (2025)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.